Age, weight gain and genetics can cause fat pockets to form under the chin. Kybella™ works to permanently dissolve these fat cells with 1-5 treatments. Kybella™ can also be used to treat fat pockets in certain parts of the body.


What is Kybella?

Kybella is a non-human, non-animal derived version of deoxycholic acid, which is a NATURALLY occurring enzyme found in all of us that helps break down fat and absorb it. Since April 2015, Kybella has been FDA-approved to treat double chins. This treatment is effective for drastically improving the facial profile by permanently eliminating submental fullness under the chin. The process sculpts small areas of fat and creates a small amount of inflammation that is associated with small amounts of skin tightening.

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 What Can Kybella Help Treat?

Kybella is used as an injection, much like Botox or Dermal Fillers (Juvederm, Belotero, Restylane), in the submental/“double chin” region to dissolve fat away and improve the overall contour of the neck and jawline. Traditional methods to treat excess fat in the neck and under the chin require liposuction and/or a neck lift.

Treatment areas: chin/neck, jowls, bra fat, abdomen, upper and lower back, arms, thighs, banana roll, knees

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What Results Can I Expect from Kybella Injections?

Kybella is a PERMANENT FAT DISSOLVING solution to a heavy neck/jawline. UNLIKE botox or dermal fillers, this treatment is permanent. Your results depend on the amount of excess fat you have under your chin. Most patients begin seeing results 3-4 weeks post-injection.

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Who is a Candidate for Kybella Injections?

Patients with consolidated fat deposits and fullness underneath the chin are great candidates for Kybella injections. Because Kybella is not intended to remove skin, patients who have a lot of loose and hanging skin (“turkey neck”) are not good candidates for this procedure. We spend ample amounts of time with every patient and will thoroughly review your medical history to see if Kybella is right for you.

Is Kybella Right For Me?

Tell us more about yourself below and someone will get back to you shortly!